556 research outputs found

    Estudio comparativo del sistema aluvial del borde suroccidental de los Catalanides, en la transversal del Prat de Compte (Tarragona) y los abanicos aluviales de Pobla de Segur (Prepirineo de Lérida)

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    Se estudian dos sistemas aluviales paleógenos situados en un contexto geológico regional parcialmente diferente. El sistema aluvial de los Catalánides meridionales se iocaliza en el borde activo de una amplia depresión marginal, donde se desarroiian tres sistemas sedimentanos principales: aluvial, fluvial y lacustre. Este conjunto de sistemas presenta una sucesión vertical cíclica, con el núcleo de la secuencia formado por los abanicos aluviales de Prat de Compte. Los abanicos de Pobla de Segur se sitúan en una depresión intramontañosa de la zona  subpirenaica meridional. En ella se desarrollan dos grupos de abanicos que están interdigitados lateral y frontalmente, y un sistema lacustre intermedio. El sistema lacustre es desplazado sucesivamente por la progradación alternativa de cada grupo de abanicos. Este conjunto sedimentario presenta en vertical una disposición cíclica, con las facies lacustres en el centro del ciclo y las facies aluviales en los extremos. En los abanicos aluviales de Prat de Compte existen cuatro tipos de secuencias deposicionales de distinto significado sedimentológico o tectónico y de diferente magnitud. Cada grupo de los abanicos de Pobla de Segur presenta un desarrollo secuencial diferente, que puede explicarse por un control teetónicn de la sedimentación. Un grupo presenta secuencias cíclicas, comparables a las de los abanicos de Prat de Compte, mientras que el otro grupo presenta secuencias negativas fuertemente asimétricas. En los abanicos de los Catalánides y en los del Pirineo se han diferenciado numerosos tipos de facies, y se ha comparado el significado ambiental y la distribución espacial de cada una de elias

    Technical Debt Analysis and Project Architecturization of a Jenkins Platform based on Groovy

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    Actualment, el Deute Tècnic (DT) és un problema latent a la gran majoria de projectes software. A causa del ràpid creixement del mercat, la visió empresarial està cada cop més enfocada a reduir el time-to-market del producte, deixant de banda la qualitat interna del seu codi. Per això, el cost global anual de mantenir aquest codi de mala qualitat, puja aproximadament a 81.000 € milions. La tesi se centra a analitzar profundament una plataforma corporativa amb molt DT i definir-ne una nova arquitectura, tenint en compte els seus requeriments i prioritzant la qualitat del producte mentre es redueix el seu deute tècnic. Per aconseguir això, es faran servir tècniques de refactorització, implementació de noves funcionalitats i la definició de protocols interns per a l'equip. A la tesi queden documentats els passos a seguir per analitzar i rearquitecturitzar un projecte amb unes característiques similars. A més, es crea una forta consciència sobre el deute tècnic i els seus problemes, una qüestió que afecta directament el codi i indirectament la salut mental dels seus desenvolupadors.Currently, Technical Debt (TD) is a latent problem in the vast majority of software projects. Due to the rapid growth of the market, its business vision is focusing on reducing the time-to-market of the product, leaving aside the internal quality of its code. As a result, the global annual cost of maintaining such poor quality code comes to approximately $85 billion. The thesis focuses on deeply analyzing a corporate platform with a heavy TD and defining a new architecture for it based on its requirements, prioritizing the quality of the product while reducing its technical debt. To achieve this, I will use refactoring techniques, implementation of new functionalities and the definition of internal protocols for the team. In the thesis, the steps to follow to analyze and re-architect a project with similar characteristics are documented. In addition, strong awareness is raised regarding the technical debt and its problems, an issue that directly affects the code and indirectly impacts the mental health of its developers

    A role-based software architecture to support mobile service computing in IoT scenarios

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    The interaction among components of an IoT-based system usually requires using low latency or real time for message delivery, depending on the application needs and the quality of the communication links among the components. Moreover, in some cases, this interaction should consider the use of communication links with poor or uncertain Quality of Service (QoS). Research efforts in communication support for IoT scenarios have overlooked the challenge of providing real-time interaction support in unstable links, making these systems use dedicated networks that are expensive and usually limited in terms of physical coverage and robustness. This paper presents an alternative to address such a communication challenge, through the use of a model that allows soft real-time interaction among components of an IoT-based system. The behavior of the proposed model was validated using state machine theory, opening an opportunity to explore a whole new branch of smart distributed solutions and to extend the state-of-the-art and the-state-of-the-practice in this particular IoT study scenario.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Eficacia y seguridad de la Ketamina en una paciente con depresión, síntomas psicóticos, enfermedad cardiovascular y riesgo de inanición

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    Introduction: There has been a rising interest in ketamine as a promising treatment for refractory depression. Despite this, there is uncertain knowledge regarding aspects of the routinary use of ketamine for treating depression, such as optimal doses, long term toxicity, abuse potential in depressed patients, probable adverse effects associated with antidepressant drugs, the indication of ketamine in psychotic patients, and the ethical concerns of ketamine use. Clinical case: A 63 year-old woman with a psychotic depressive episode, catatonic features, cardiovascular disease (patent foramen ovale and atrial fibrillation) , and starvation risk because she refused food intake. She was sent to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) after several weeks of oral administration of benzodiazepine, antipsychotic, and antidepressant medications; the patient presented no improvement, but she was rejected due to her cardiovascular comorbidity. Two IV Ketamine doses were used as a life-saving strategy with good clinical response, mainly in terms of the catatonic features. The ketamine treatment was not only effective but also well tolerated. Discussion: Despite the little information regarding its use in psychotic and catatonic patients, this case would suggest that it remains effective and safe, as well as a good option for patients with cardiovascular disease and those who cannot use electroconvulsive therapy

    Eficacia y seguridad de la Ketamina en una paciente con depresión, síntomas psicóticos, enfermedad cardiovascular y riesgo de inanición

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    Introduction: There has been a rising interest in ketamine as a promising treatment for refractory depression. Despite this, there is uncertain knowledge regarding aspects of the routinary use of ketamine for treating depression, such as optimal doses, long term toxicity, abuse potential in depressed patients, probable adverse effects associated with antidepressant drugs, the indication of ketamine in psychotic patients, and the ethical concerns of ketamine use. Clinical case: A 63 year-old woman with a psychotic depressive episode, catatonic features, cardiovascular disease (patent foramen ovale and atrial fibrillation) , and starvation risk because she refused food intake. She was sent to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) after several weeks of oral administration of benzodiazepine, antipsychotic, and antidepressant medications; the patient presented no improvement, but she was rejected due to her cardiovascular comorbidity. Two IV Ketamine doses were used as a life-saving strategy with good clinical response, mainly in terms of the catatonic features. The ketamine treatment was not only effective but also well tolerated. Discussion: Despite the little information regarding its use in psychotic and catatonic patients, this case would suggest that it remains effective and safe, as well as a good option for patients with cardiovascular disease and those who cannot use electroconvulsive therapy

    Características sedimentológicas y paleogeográficas del fan-delta albiense de la Formación Monte Grande y sus relaciones con el Flysh Negro (Arminza-Górliz, Vizcaya)

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    La Fm. Monte Grande (Albiense inferior-medio, Vizcaya) posee más de 500 m de conglomerados, areniscas, lutitas y calizas urgonianas, sedimentadas en un «fan-delta» retrogradante. Importantes disconformidades limitando la unidad sugieren dos variaciones relativas bruscas del nivel del mar

    Smart Recycling Bin

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    The objective of this project is to design and prototype a device that accepts plastic, aluminum and glass bottles, mixed with other miscellaneous items of trash, and automatically sorts the materials into separate containers. The device will be able to differentiate between acceptable and unacceptable materials and sort them accordingly in order to prevent recycling contamination. The system will use different sensors and image recognition to determine the correct material. Once determined sorting actuators will put the material into the correct bin

    Sobre el concepto de leyes de la naturaleza en Isaac Newton

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    The purpose of this article is double, to clarify the uses by Newton's concept of  Natural Law (LN), in the light of the problems and traditions available to him, mainly Cartesian, the English experimental philosophies and alchemical - magic and traditions and, on the other hand, point out the transformations performed on this concept of Cartesian rooted in its two major Works -the Principia and Opticks. In conclusion, I will show that this concept of LN can say as a "matter of fact" the existence of the entities postulated in LN, although their properties or qualities or even cause is not yet known. Important aspects of this concept of LN are traditionally identified as a legacy of the scientific revolution and therefore retrospective to Galileo, Kepler and Boyle, among others, this application is a clear indication of anachronism resulting from the lack of historical studies above LN concept; additionally, its clarification allows shed light on the expansion and development of Newtonianism in the eighteenth century.El propósito de este artículo es, de un lado, esclarecer los usos por parte de Newton del concepto de Ley Natural (LN), a la luz de los problemas y tradiciones disponibles para él –principalmente, del cartesianismo, las filosofías experimentales inglesas y las tradiciones mágicas y alquímicas– y, de otro lado, señalar las transformaciones que realiza sobre este concepto de raíz cartesiana en sus dos principales obras –los Principia y la Opticks. Como conclusión de lo anterior, mostraré que este concepto de LN permite afirmar como una “cuestión de hecho” la existencia de las entidades postuladas en las LN, aunque se desconozcan sus propiedades o cualidades o incluso su causa. Aspectos importantes de este concepto de LN se identifican tradicionalmente como legado de la revolución científica y, por tanto, su aplicación retrospectiva a Galileo, Kepler o Boyle, entre otros, constituye una clara indicación del anacronismo que resulta de la carencia de estudios históricos sobre el concepto de LN; su esclarecimiento permite, de otro lado, arrojar luces sobre la expansión y desarrollo del newtonianismo en el siglo XVIII

    Metodología 'científica' en la explicación de la fuerza gravitacional: anotaciones sobre la causalidad ontológica de la fuerza en isaac newton

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    La conceptualización matemático–experimental de la fuerza de gravitación universal, tal como la postula Isaac Newton en sus Principia, no constituye —en contra de la visión centrada en su actividad científica— una realización acabada y última. Lo que se ha denominado la causalidad ontológica de la fuerza, i.e. la pregunta por la naturaleza del agente responsable de la acción de la fuerza gravitatoria, no queda excluida del ámbito de la investigación científica y relegada a la metafísica o a la teología, como pretende Cohen. El artículo muestra cómo una correcta interpretación de la metodología científica de Newton, i.e., el esclarecimiento de sus límites y alcances, proporciona elementos importantes en la comprensión del problema de la causalidad ontológica de la fuerza